Determining Optimal Packaging for Christmas Gifts

Given two tables, and playground.packages, write a SQL query to match each gift to the smallest package it fits into based on dimensions. A gift fits in a package if its dimensions are less than or equal to those of the package. A package is considered smaller than another if its volume is smaller. Each package can hold only one gift. Produce a table with columns: package_type and number, where number indicates how many gifts are matched to each package_type. Exclude package types not used. Sort the result by package_type in ascending order. Assume every gift fits in at least one package and no two packages have the same volume.

These are the tables to query for this question:
  • id int
  • gift_name string
  • length int
  • width int
  • height int
  • package_type string
  • length int
  • width int
  • height int
Your answer should include these columns:
  • package_type varchar
  • number integer

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